Sculpture Update


This weekend was super productive and I have completed the frame work of the sculpture. Now I need to figure out the attachment for the wave and get it all painted! I learned so much this weekend working with such a heavy and large material. My beams are four by four steel tubing. Its been awesome to also see my welding abilities progress over the summer. 

This sculpture has really pushed me out of my comfort zone in the best ways. I am using everything I have learned throughout school and problem solving like no other. I feel as though I am finally creating on the scale I have always wanted to.

 Looking forward to working on it on the up coming days. Taking a quick break because school starts today. Four more classes and I am officially a graduate. Im feeling pretty stoked on that fact as well. 

Will keep you all updated throughout the up coming weeks. Coastal Cleanup Day on September 16th is coming up quick but Im currently feeling pretty good about where I am at!
